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Thanks for stopping by
and please enjoy your visit!
You have to know that "Lindor"
is the most delicious chocolate in the world!
Have you ever tasted it?

This Home
Page is for me like a joke.
Probably, you should find something to enjoy yourself, something really stupid
or something that should interest you.

At first,
you should go to see something about my drug: the Chocolate!
Click on the chocosplash below....

Then, you
should go to see my
Net Sisters Page.
My Secret Sister has made a really
sweet chocolate page for me!
Please, go to see it!
And, ...I was a Secret Sister too.
Please, go to see the page that I made for my Secret Sis

You can
find my Web Rings HERE.

I have
done many Travels:
Australia, Brazil, Egypt - now they are in English!-, Mexico, and so on.
Here you can see nice pictures and read some information, click on the plane!

My Sweet
Milu' is a little site,
builted with dynamic html,
dedicated to my sweet dog
there is, also, a beautiful collection
of Dogs' Backgrounds for free!

Raja is a story in order to help the search against the
Multiple Sclerosis. Please visit this page!

Backgrounds for free
is a new section.
Please fell free to use these original creations in your web pages.

Wanna win
a Lindor's Award?
Click HERE!
If you would like to see the
Lindor Awards's winners
and the awards that I have won HERE.

There are
different kinds of Links
that are often updated,
and at once I suggest you The
Link of the Link,
(obviously Lindt's chocolates)
and then my Preferred Link
(fantastic page about Rock'n Roll!).
Finally I invite you to see my portfolio
where there are links to other web sites that I have made.

Magica is a joke: I'm not a chef but,
in Easy and quikly Italian Recipes
you can find some true recipes
(the cakes are wonderful!) to cook with microwave oven or normally.

Soup is a section about a book.

I confess
that at present
almost of these pages are written in italian
but they are graphically attractive
and you might enjoy the pictures online.

Sign My
View My
Up date 02 marzo 2006
Yes! I'm Lindor.

And he is my love.

We are married!
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to see this site?


:: Copyright © 1998-2005 Lindor ::
Site Designed & Maintained by Lindor: WebMistress
All Rights Reserved
(Sometime I have used some little
graphics that I found on the Internet,
if you reconaize your works please, tell me. I'll put credit where due!)
The font
used is Tempus sans ITC: if you need it, ask me by
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