
SILVER: Aiko Timmer's Genealogy Page (Aiko) -
This site is dedicated to the genealogy of Hindrick Jans Luinenborger, the oldest known
ancestor of the majority of the people around the world with surnames Haaijer and Haayer
I'm trying to make the site user friendly and easy to navigate for those people who are
not familiar with genealogy but who just would like to see who their ancestors are. Other
genealogists are more than welcome to visit my site, but my aim is to reach the
"non-genealogist" first
Alcidelic (Gilian) -
Amalgam Mercury Poisoning (Lyn)
- Mercury Poisoning from 'silver' dental fillings. What happened to me, how it can happen
to everyone, how to get well. Lots of info. Plus some lighthearted pages such as jokes, pc
Amateur Spectroscopy (Randy) -
AMCP Computer Privacy TECH BLOG (Alex) -
Anthony's Scrapbook (Gwen) - My website is
about my pregnancy with Anthony and his development
Arcanelife.com (Stephen) - My site is
predominantly about my life, history with mental
Aspect Ireland (Tom) - Site presents
a miscellany of things Irish, including photographs, stories, humour and articles on
people, places and events
Bills Astro Photos (William) - This site
contains pictures of my astrophotography, observatory, and other interesting astronomy
pictures and information
Crab Almanac (Bob) -
Offering a comprehensive look at all aspects of the Blue
BV.Lindenheuvel (Huub) -
Canton Chow Chows (Lolly) -
Chinese New Year Customs and
Culture (Susan) -
Firestarter Pyrography (Jo) -
Gardner After Midnight (Kyle)
Jonathan's Corner - An author's site that
offers literature, essays, humor, games, art, and other creative works
Lexi's Animation Attic - A site of fun
free animation. Great resource for webmasters, kid friendly and easy to navigate
Making A Difference For Animals - Stacey -
MADFA promotes education and awareness regarding animal rights, animal welfare and
environmental concerns
Master & Slave (Janine) - My
personal Multiple Sclerosis site. About MS, about me, my MS history, MS blog and MS
Pelaqita Persians (Susan) - Pelaqita
Persians is a CFA & TICA registered cattery. We show, love & breed Persians. Our
site is geared towards providing the first time owner with information on early
spay/neuter programs, health issues facing the Persian, food recommendations, grooming,
supplies, and recommendations for books for further information on Persians, and much more
Silent Tears (Terry) - Silent
Tears strives to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, offer free original creation
graphics, provide forms of support for everyone in need and reward those that deserve
recognition for their achievements
Social, political and economic change (Gene)
The Game Puppet (Larry) - I have a safe
surf rated gaming, graphics, Civil War, St.Augustine, Gettysburg, Cat site, and Christian
site with something for the whole family
The Scoliosis Tree (Erika) - A
comprehensive (but always growing!) informative website about Scoliosis and the pros and
cons of various treatment methods available for patients. Its aim is to stress the
importance of researching your chosen/intended treatment path and know exactly what is
involved before committing yourself
Through my eyes (Corrado) -
Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages (Henri) -
Woodland Elementary School (Tiffany)