Versione Italiana

A story in order to help the search against the Multiple Sclerosis


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Copertina del volume RAJA


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RAJA is the story written by a special boy: Chicco

he has written and published this history by himself (to its expenses), in order to sell this book and so that help the scientific search dedicated to the fight against the Multiple Sclerosis.
The book is in Italian language.

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Here the preface to the story written by Chicco.

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At first impact, to think to write a book can seem  a
difficult or quite impossible thing, above all if we look to some philosophers or poets or writers: everyone of these has expressed multiple thoughts on their books, they have transferred many ideas black on white, ideals that they have lived and in which they believe.
Simple, because they want it and because they live them.
If some thought that you have read, liked you to the point of asking yourself how a common mortal had had fashinating you in that way, you have to know that the answer is only one, it is called will and wishing to grow.
I belive that every person who is alive on this planet has ability, force, will, intelligence, imagination and fantasy; in little words the power of the thought from which every moment of our life depends.
It is not necessary to be philosophers, poets or novelists to be able to write a book and therefore I think that every person, on condition that he wants it, has to write at least one own book.
A book cannot teach living to you, it can help you to remember things that you would not have imagined to know but that you have always known and you have preferred to hold hidden,
for the simple reason that is easier to be a normal and common person than to face the life with own ideals.
Thinks to what philosopher, poet or writer of novels or to whatever other person, that isn't you, could tell your history if you didn't. Who has lived your thoughts, your ideas, your feelings, your life?

I think that every experience is lived in various ways, everyone faces the experiences with own way and I belive that every experience is unique and I creed that all we are poets, writers and philosophers at the same time.
I have stopped to believe to the case!
I have chosen to believe in myself, I have finally found the forces
in order to fight the multiple sclerosis.
I could write three books on this disease and one for every cure that I have made, but I'm sure that nobody could understand really all what I have feelled and that I'm feelling now.
But the message of the story that I have written is not this .
One short fantastic " but " at the same time real history.
There is need to believe, I have need to believe too...
We need to belive in ourself.
Yes, they are beautiful words, really!?
Easy to tell, but it is just for this reason that I will not speak of my disease, just because nobody to outside of me is living this disease really, on its own skin.
Not even the one who that has the same disease, in the same way I cannot living the luckyes or the misfortunes of nobody.
Every person has the duty to believe in himself and every one has the power to do.
You can make all, just nothing can stop you, you are the only person who really can do every thing!
Perhaps reading this story you will arrive to ask some questions to yourself, it will be a good thing.
Listen to yourself, you could found truths that you have always known but that you have preferred to not remind.
You already know every thing, every thing that is truer.
Look at your room, if here you are now, and ask to yourself if all you see is true, or, if you prefer, real. Ask to the wall what thinks about the truth. Ask to the book to resolve only one of your problems. Or ask to one whichever medicine to cure you.
I belive that the wall doesn't think and that therefore it is only material, therefore it does not exist. About the book I just think that it cannot make nothing for you, this depends on you and you do not depend on a book that does not exist not even.

I belive in medicine, it is important, but also it is not real, the cures help only who want to really stay well and, when I say really, I refer to the spirit.
In every moment and for every situation that we create for ourself, all we depend on our thoughts; we do not depend on all that is material.
A time ago I thought that my body was all for me, I deceived myself that thanks to it I could have made every thing.
Until the day in which I had to look face to face with my new situation, I had to choose if to go to death or to life.
I could not fight my disease with the fists, the thought was the only way in order to win.
Before I thought to be on an enormous barge called truth, with the company of every existing person on this planet.
Now I know for experience that all is not true and if the words are not enough for you I could explane to you with the facts.
Understanding that you depend only and exclusively from yours thoughts and that therefore you live on a single boat, " the yours ", understanding that all that you see is not the truth that you live, but what you want yourself to be deceived that is real, and finally understanding that the truth is all that we live by yourself, has been a lot important for me: there is something deeper and truer than the body.
All which I have written in my story has been and is now real for me, it is lived and tried.
You cannot know my situation, all which I have written is only ideas and these ideas aren't what I feel.
Listen to you and feel all that is truer for you ,you can all.
Once I have read that does not exist trouble that cannot become a blessing.
Find your blessing.


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(If you find some mistake in the traslation, please, write us!)

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by "IL RESTO del CARLINO" 16 Febbruary 2001

"My challenge to the evil"
'Chicco' Finessi, multiple sclerosis affected, has written a  book that Sunday will be on sale pro AISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association)

A story in order to help the search against the Multiple Sclerosis. Sunday at the 15 p.m., in recreational-cultural center"I Mulini a Vento" in Maddalena di Cazzano (Bologna), will be a party of beneficence during which will be introduced and put in sale the book of Enrico Finessi, " Raja ". The proceeds will be devolved to the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM).
Enrico.' Chicco' for who knows it, lives in Galliera with the mother, he is 22 years old and from five years he is plagued by this terrible

disease, that provokes the slow and progressive destruction of woven and organs . His fight against the multiple sclerosis, in the clinical Mazzacorati in Bologna, is begun approximately three years ago.
" At the beginning I had completely lost  the confidence in myself - he tells -, to the point that I did not notice the persons who were around me and that made sacrifices to help me. And they were a lot, beyond to my parents ".

In the book, Enrico, does not speak about his disease, but he tells about RAJA, a personage who have to fight against the demons in the attempt to find again himself. " I have begun to write a year ago
and to the beginning it was much difficult to transform the feelings in ideas to write. I have tried to put in a  story all that I have learned while I was badly ". For Chicco the meaningful experience was that one to be able to listen himself, " a thing which, before being hit by the multiple sclerosis, I never had given too much importance ".

The book - they have been sold more of 600 copies - will be acquired to free offer, beginning from 30.000 Lire. Enrico, now, is working to a second story: " Lacks me the last chapter , after that...
Lorenzo Priviato

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From the semiannual AISM Informa
n.3 October 2000

Raja: a story in order to help

Enrico Finessi has published to its expenses this history, written for ihimself and  forall those people who share with him the SM.
The proceeds are offered to the FISM.

The gesture of this twentytwo boy from Galliera, near Bologna (Italy), wants to be a spontaneous contribution to the scientific search dedicated to the fight against the disease that by now accompanies him since 5 years. " A time ago I thought that my body was all for me, I deceived myself that thanks to it I could have made every thing - the author annotates in the preface - until the day in which I had to look face to face with my new situation, I had to choose if to go to death or to life.
I could not fight my disease with the fists, the thought was the only way in order to win".
This story without time, that could make part of everyone of us, Raja is the protagonist, the one who is proposed to save the world from its Demons (the Monster) that ramble for the earth day after day submitting the human race. Many personages will place side by side Raja in its task, above all the wisdom masters who speaking with him,  will help him to understand. Here the message of the book: to comprise that the salvation resides just to the inside of everyone of us. " Listen to you and feel all that is truer for you ,you can all".

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